Asian Smiling girls are a plenty, the whole asia is filled with people smiling and girls smiling all over. Today we got good beautiful pics to start of with our Asian Smile Campaign. Enjoy!

Hopper: "Now this is more like it! In fact, this is what it's all about!"
Me: "I may regret asking, in fact I'm sure I will, but what about this is what it's all about for you, Hopper?"
Hopper: "You know! Ultra adorable Asian girls in their school uniform stylings who are incredibly cute as they tilt their heads, grin, put me in their hair and make peace signs for no reason!"
Me: "Hopper, don't be ridiculous, she has a perfectly good and important reason for making a peace sign; it's a very meaningful and deep social statement intended to convey an intrinsic message of how she...uh..."
Hopper: "No, she doesn't! You can't even name the reason! You know she just does it because it is part of how she just naturally breaks the sensors of every cute-o-meter in the vacinity when meeting fans with cameras. She's like all these Japanese idols when they are not on stage or in a photo studio; any other place when someone pulls out a camera, they all automatically make peace signs! They don't even know why they do it! It's like a doctor pounding your knee and up goes your foot!"
Me: "Hopper, I'm about to consider something about pounding and rabbit's feet..."
Hopper: "Hey, don't get me wrong, she's perfectly fine how she is with all these mannerisms, seifuku, yaeba..."
Me: "Hopper, now explain to all these nice folks what those words mean."
Hopper: "'Seifuku' is something about a school uniform. Like this tartan tie suggests. She's like a J-pop Bay City Rollers fan for the naughties. Isn't that what they're calling this decade?"
Me: "There's nothing naughty about this cutie, Hopper. Now tell everyone what yaeba is."
Hopper: "That's when the cutiebabes don't fix their teeth."
Me: "Hopper! What it is, is some of the J-pop delights have teeth like that from heredity and they don't alter them, because they think it is cute and fine like they are. You know, like how one of the idol style fashions was a couple of decades Miyoko Yoshimoto in the 1980s...or Seiko Matsuda in her early years before she got them straightened...
Hopper: "No one who'll read your site knows who those singers were!"
Me: "Of course a few do! My flickr site can be seen all over the world and has a variety of fans from Japan and elsewhere!"
Hopper: "Thanks to me!"
Me: "Thanks to the photos mostly, and less than half of them include you, Hopper!"
Hopper: "They visit your site hoping to see more of me!"
Me: "Be quiet, Hopper, if you want to go to Japan again this year!"
Hopper: (silence).
That always works.

Me: "I may regret asking, in fact I'm sure I will, but what about this is what it's all about for you, Hopper?"
Hopper: "You know! Ultra adorable Asian girls in their school uniform stylings who are incredibly cute as they tilt their heads, grin, put me in their hair and make peace signs for no reason!"
Me: "Hopper, don't be ridiculous, she has a perfectly good and important reason for making a peace sign; it's a very meaningful and deep social statement intended to convey an intrinsic message of how she...uh..."
Hopper: "No, she doesn't! You can't even name the reason! You know she just does it because it is part of how she just naturally breaks the sensors of every cute-o-meter in the vacinity when meeting fans with cameras. She's like all these Japanese idols when they are not on stage or in a photo studio; any other place when someone pulls out a camera, they all automatically make peace signs! They don't even know why they do it! It's like a doctor pounding your knee and up goes your foot!"
Me: "Hopper, I'm about to consider something about pounding and rabbit's feet..."
Hopper: "Hey, don't get me wrong, she's perfectly fine how she is with all these mannerisms, seifuku, yaeba..."
Me: "Hopper, now explain to all these nice folks what those words mean."
Hopper: "'Seifuku' is something about a school uniform. Like this tartan tie suggests. She's like a J-pop Bay City Rollers fan for the naughties. Isn't that what they're calling this decade?"
Me: "There's nothing naughty about this cutie, Hopper. Now tell everyone what yaeba is."
Hopper: "That's when the cutiebabes don't fix their teeth."
Me: "Hopper! What it is, is some of the J-pop delights have teeth like that from heredity and they don't alter them, because they think it is cute and fine like they are. You know, like how one of the idol style fashions was a couple of decades Miyoko Yoshimoto in the 1980s...or Seiko Matsuda in her early years before she got them straightened...
Hopper: "No one who'll read your site knows who those singers were!"
Me: "Of course a few do! My flickr site can be seen all over the world and has a variety of fans from Japan and elsewhere!"
Hopper: "Thanks to me!"
Me: "Thanks to the photos mostly, and less than half of them include you, Hopper!"
Hopper: "They visit your site hoping to see more of me!"
Me: "Be quiet, Hopper, if you want to go to Japan again this year!"
Hopper: (silence).
That always works.

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