Asian Smiles set for September - How to win an Asian girl
Have you ever been in a situation where you really want to approach a hot Asian woman without looking like a pervert? Or, have you ever wanted to really approach a girl at work or in school but is too shy?
Approaching Asian women is hard. Most people think the best way to attract a girl is to stand out by wearing fancy and colorful clothes or saying silly pickup lines. The worst pickup line is usually a question like, "Hey guys! I need to ask an opinion about something....", because it is been over used to death by people in the underground pickup community. Girls know all the tricks guys will do to get her into bed.
Unfortunately, most guys think using only routines and techniques will definitely get you the girl of your dreams. They think if they really master all these techniques, they can get any woman into bed. Women are getting smarter, they read articles about the latest pickup techniques and when guys try it on them, they know they're not genuine.
The easiest and most effective way to pick up a girl is to go directly to them, look into their eye (and don't try to look at their breasts), give a genuine smile and say hello. You be surprised how happy to see a guy genuinely interested in them without looking like a dork. Being genuine is the best and most effective way to turn on a woman, doing anything else is hard and a waste of time.

Kotoha is, in my humble opinion, one of the most stunningly beautiful maiko in Kyoto....

* Original Color Film.
All Rights Reserved.

She was one of the models hired by the local Liuzhou photography club for our recent excursion to Luzhai County. Many of the guys spent all their time photographing the girls while I was taking shots of the locals. I did force myself to take a few shots of the models, you know, just trying to be friendly. I don't really like beautiful young women, remember? Well, maybe a little. Yeah, definitely a little, well some anyway...OK never mind.
I took some shots of the models that day too. This is one.

Photo taken at the San Francisco Love Fest 2007.
Click on the "All Sizes" button above the image to see it larger.

This Virginia native is typically the tallest and most rhythmic Asian in the room; depending on the room.

I had the opportunity to shoot a few hours with this girl. She is a friend of a friend and she is absolutely gorgeous. Her eyes just glowed. Overexposed on one side but her expression is so good that I had to try and save it.

Killer smile vs killer bokeh
Pretty cool Kristy vs silky smooth depth of field-friendly Nikkor lens.

Asian woman at night next to a Japanese car, flashes a peace sign as she smiles.
Sepia tone with some grain.