Forget about Japanese Legs for now and Take a look at Japanese Smiles
Are you turning Japanese?
There are atleast 130 million people who speak the Japanese language. This includes most people in Japan itself, as well as Japanese speaking communities in many other countries. Some of the largest overseas Japanese speaking communities can be found in Australia, Brazil, Peru, the Philippines, the Republic of China (Taiwan), and the Republic of Korea (South Korea). There is also of course a significant Japanese speaking population in the United States of America, particularly in the state of Hawaii.
Learning to speak and become fluent in Japanese, could be of great help if you intend on doing business in Japan. Knowing the language will of course also help you to appreciate Japanese culture and history, even if you plan on visiting Japan on vacation.
One option for learning Japanese is to go Japanese language classes. You may be able to find such colleges in your area at an adult education center or college. Of course, classes may not be available in all areas, and if you have a very busy work schedule attending a regular class may simply be impractical. In these cases, or if you simply don't like the idea of going to classes, you may want to consider the alternatives that are available.
There are many Japanese home study courses designed to teach you the language. Older courses were generally based around tapes or books, and while such courses are still widely available, today you also have the option of choosing a computer-based course. Computers have of course greatly improve in the last few years, so modern computer-based courses may include audio, graphical, video and interactive elements. Computer-based courses generally also have the advantage that you can work through them in the comfort of your own home, at your own pace.